So why have I decided to write this blog?.....well obviously you would be right in thinking it's because I love fashion! lol. But in all honesty-it's much more than that, It's more personal.
You see Fashion is more than a way of me expressing my own personal style, it's about using my own take on fashion to gain confidence in myself.
Without a doubt, one of the first things people will say if asked to describe me is.........shy.
And I totally agree-I can be extremely shy!....but that's not all I am. And unfortunately this is the only part of me that a majority of people get to see.
And I totally agree-I can be extremely shy!....but that's not all I am. And unfortunately this is the only part of me that a majority of people get to see.
I am much more than that! I'm bubbly, loving, caring, creative.....the list goes on! haha!
What I am living with however is not just shyness.....its known as Social Anxiety, but the funny thing about it is that it's not really known by many people, as the very nature of SA causes the individual living with it to not open up about it-and keep it hidden.....and I'm guessing many of the people who have heard the term generally think of it as a colloquial term for being, well......shy! Or the term I really hate "socially awkward"!
People don't realise how debilitating it is, and how difficult (almost impossible at times!) it can be to express oneself as an individual in a world full of "confident" people.
And so I found that by taking pride in the way I look and making an effort with my appearance, not only makes me genuinely happy-but also allows me to gain some confidence .
If I could help at least one person dealing with the complications that SA or any debilitating issue, then that's reason enough for me to share my blog with the world! lol
And where did the name come from?....well I am known as a princess by many......common-not so much! but it works right? ;-)
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